SAVE THE DATE - 16. ASPAG Meeting - 08.05./09.05.2025 - Brussels, Belgium
Venue: EUROCONTROL Headquarters, Brussels Belgium
Dates: 08. & 09.May 2025
Times (tbc):
- Thursday, 13:00 - 18:00
- Friday, 9:00 - 13:00
For Hotel recommendations please consult the EUROCONTROL website mentioned above
Social event is planned, the evening of day 1.
Agenda: tbd
“Call for Presentation”
We do rely on your contributions, about simulation related topics that you want to share and discuss with the members.
We are looking forward receiving proposals about your contribution for another successful meeting to come. Do not feel pushed for presenting in a poetry style 😉 we appreciate any way to add knowledge into the group.
Next steps:
- let us know if you are attending the 16th meeting in Brussels?
- if so, please propose your contribution / presentation / talk you would like to contribute with
- propose a topic you would like to be discussed wit the participants (in the next or a following meeting)
Meeting at 07.11./08.11.2024 in Istanbul, Turkey
15th ASPAG Meeting Information
(for more details about the agenda of the last meetings go to the "Meetings Section")
Wrap-up of the 15th meeting in Istanbul:
We’ve had 27 members attending. As usual we had some new faces introducing themselves into the group, enlarging the expertise of ASPAG with their specific know-how. We’ve had 12 very interesting presentations, a few of them can be shared with the wider ASPAG members here.
A round of applause went to Steffen and Sable, who elevated the presentations into new hights – those who where present will agree.
Thank you very much for the great organisation of the event by our hosts from iGA. We had time for valuable discussion and making new contacts and even for making friends while in Istanbul!
We had the chance talking to representatives from: Eskisehir Technical University, Turkey - DGAC – STAC, France - DLR - German Aerospace Center, Germany - Dubai Airports, UAE – ENAC, France – ENAIRE, Spain – EUROCONTROL, Belgium - Flughafen München GmbH, Germany ; Fraport AG - Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Germany; İGA Havalimanı İşletmesi A.Ş, Turkey – SITA EURO - TAV Technology, Turkey - Transoft Solutions, Sweden – TÜBİTAK, Turkey – Airport Research Center ARC, Germany
We could leverage the meeting for gaining specific expertise, understanding of our domain, and getting some insights how an impressive hub like IST, is being operated.
As usual we relied on your presentations, about simulation related topics you wanted to share and discuss with the members.
We are looking forward receiving proposals about your contribution for another successful meeting to come.
Please consider your contributions to the above-mentioned sessions, we rely on your contributions in particular we need your feedback about what simulations, analysis, topics ... you are able to present?
Also consider your active contribution for the round table introduction where we share the “latest and greatest” regarding your simulation / performance assessment activities since last meeting.
About us:
The Airport Simulation and Performance Assessment Group (ASPAG) is a forum for the exchange of ideas and experience in the air transportation domain. The focus of ASPAG is to address more general and tool-overlapping issues, methods or developments in the field of airside simulation and performance assessment within Airport and TMA operations that apply to all analysis in that field.
- ASPAG is open to every person interested;
- ASPAG meets twice annually, generally, in spring and fall;
- Membership is free of charge;
- Participation to the meetings is on one’s own expense.
For more information on ASPAG and active participation in the group contact the Chairmen. You will find further information about the meetings held (minutes, presentations, photos) using the website menu “Meetings”.